Thursday, June 10, 2010
Althought now is holiday but i'm still busy with things.
My friends invite me to go out wif them and i'm always not at home.
Why am I so busy???????
10:24 PM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hey, is aready holiday what u guys wanna do during the holiday??? I'm going back perak next week.......
Going out for a trip??Going back hometown?? Try to tell other people through cbox!!!!
6:11 PM
WoW....... This is fast, is aready holiday......
I still remember that time 1 minute till school end, everyone is counting down at one table. When the school bell ring everyone woooo...... and then went out of the class room. Haha, if i'm not wrong everyone ur school also did that right??
Cause everyone feel like they out of the jail ady and it is so fun no more boring subject or homeworks rite commen pls
1:54 AM